No Needles Required!

10 Days After TDS Treatment

The patient was able to immediately walk

barefoot and pain-free for the first time in

years & is more inclined to seek treatment again, if  needed, now that TDS is available.

Patient & provider both win with TDS again! 

Partial Debridement of Lesion

The TDS System selectively softens the hyper-keratinized tissue for quick and easy removal. The surrounding normal tissue is intact which allows the underlying dermis to simply rebound naturally. No scarring occurs.

Chronic IPK & Associated Callus Removed Easily with TDS

Patient text 3 days after TDS treatment:  "I don't think I thanked you properly for this treatment. My feet are not sore

and I don't feel any 'pebbles' under my skin when going barefoot! This is a real blessing! I haven't gone barefoot in

years! I haven't felt like this in a very long time! I don't have any hesitation going barefoot now."

Removal with Included Curette

Lesion removal of the softened IPK tissue

with a 5mm dermal curette - a virtually blood-free field is typical. No need for anesthesia, vesicants, electrosurgery or cryosurgery.


Copyright © 2013-2022

Pre-Treatment Photo of IPK

Small, but painful, IPK on patient's right foot -very "hard" to palpation. TransDermSolutions (TDS) solutions were applied as directed and the IPK occluded with the enclosed bandage .

24 Hours After Solutions Applied

Lesion area after the 24 hr. TDS Cure Period 

& 15 min. water soak. Note the much larger softened HK tissue area revealed by the TDS solutions that was not readily apparent before!

Final Appearance of Treated Area

This TDS procedure was completed in just 24 hrs. without anesthesia and without an open treatment wound that would require an extended healing period. Palpation confirmed complete removal of the lesion and callus.