Cross Section of a Keratosis

Note the intact dermal layer compressed by

the overlying HK tissue. The TDS System selectively softens the HK  tissue for removal which then allows the normal underlying dermis to rebound naturally.

No More Vesicants!

  No Needles Required!

Pre-Treatment Photo of IPK

Only one initial curettage stroke was made before exceeding the patient's comfort level. TransDermSolutions (TDS) were applied and the IPK occluded with the enclosed bandage .

IPK Core Removed Intact

The hyperkeratinized core of this IPK lesion was removed intact as shown above. This TDS procedure was completed in just 24 hrs. without anesthesia - nothing else is nearly as effective.  Patient & provider both win with TDS!

Final Appearance After Removal

The debrided & cleaned plantar surface - note the "pink" dermis in the original IPK location. The patient is pain free for the first time in many years & more inclined to seek treatment again, if  needed, now that TDS is available.

Lesion with Partial Debridement

Partial removal of the softened IPK tissue

with a 5mm dermal curette - a blood-free field is typical. No need for anesthesia, vesicants, phenol, laser, electrosurgery or cryosurgery.

24 Hours After Solutions Applied

Lesion's appearance after the 24 hr. TDS Cure Period & 15 min. water soak. Note the bandage outline, softened HK tissue and the missing IPK core - achieved without any patient discomfort!

Chronic Keratosis (IPK) TDS Treatment Photos